Intermediate syncopation in 6/8 time, and mastering intervals from the tonic triad, including ascending and descending arpeggios.
Description |
- Grade: Fifth
- Origin: USA - Traditional
- Key: F Major
- Time: 6/8
- Form: ABCD
- Rhythm: intermediate: | ta ti ta ti | syncopation,
| ta/a ti | syncopation, | ti ti ti ta ti | syncopation,
| ti ti ti ta ti ri | syncopation
- Pitches: beginners: So Do Mi So
- Intervals: beginners: all intervals of the tonic chord/arpeggio: So/Do (P4), Do/Mi (M3), Mi\So (M6), Do\So (P4), So/Do/Mi/So8 ascending tonic arpeggio (I, F), So8\Mi\Do\So descending tonic arpeggio (I, F), Do/So8 (P5)
- Musical Elements: notes: dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; pickup beat, melodic rhythm patterns, tied notes, tonic arpeggios, tempo parking: Weary March; 6/8 time: eighth note receives one beat, divisions of a dotted quarter note: three eights (3 ti's), feeling duple meter (2) in 6/8: where three eights would be a triplet if the beat is represented by a dotted quarter
- Key Words: USA Armed Forces; Army, patriotic, military service, military life, plow, ditch, rich, salary, which; contractions: you're (you are), you'll (you will); abbreviation: diggin' (digging)
- Recorder: intermediate: mastering intervals of the C major tonic triad with ascending and descending tonic arpeggios (I, C), syncopation in 6/8 time: eighth note receives one beat, divisions of a dotted quarter note: three eights (3 ti's), feeling duple meter (2) in 6/8: where three eights would be a triplet if the beat is represented by a dotted quarter
"You're in the Army Now"
You're in the Army now,
You're not behind a plow;
You'll never get rich, a-diggin' a ditch,
You're in the Army now.
You're in the Army now,
You're in the Army now,
You'll never get rich, on the salary which
You get in the Army now.
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