Practicing the interval of a 6th, La\Do/La and cowboy diction
(dropping the last letter of the word).
Description |
- Grade: Fourth
- Origin: USA - Cowboy Song
- Key: F Major
- Time: 3/4
- Form: staves: AABB song: ABA, refrain/verse/refrain
- Rhythm: beginners: | ta/a ta | ta/a ti ti | ta ta ta |
| ta/ ti ta | ta ta ti ti |
- Pitches: beginners: Do Re Mi Fa So La
- Intervals: intermediate: La\Do/La, So\Mi, Do\So/Do, Do/Mi
- Musical Elements: notes: half, quarter, eighth; pickup beat, two double barlines, refrain/verse/refrain
- Key Words: USA history, USA geography, Cheyenne, Montana, cowboy vocabulary, stirrup, pony, bridle; abbreviations: ol' (old), leavin' (leaving), stan' (stand), riddin' (ridding), leadin' (leading), Montan' (Montana), han' (hand); contraction: I'm (I am), won't (will not)
"Goodbye Old Paint"
Refrain |
Goodbye, ol' Paint, I'm a-leavin' Cheyenne,
Goodbye, ol' Paint, I'm a-leavin' Cheyenne. |
1. |
My foot in the stirrup, my pony won't stan',
I'm a-leavin' Cheyenne an' I'm off for Montan'.
Refrain |
2. |
I'm riddin' ol' Paint and I'm leadin' ol' Dan,
Goodbye, little Annie,
I'm off for Montan'.
Refrain |
3. |
My foot in the stirrup the bridle in han'.
I'm a-leavin' Cheyenne an' I'm off for Montan'.
Refrain |
Additional Formats |