Arpeggios extend the vocal range and challenge pitch
before stepping down the major scale to rest.
Description |
- Grade: Second
- Origin: England - Folk Song
- Key: F Major
- Time: 2/4
- Form: AaBC
- Rhythm: intermediate: | ta ti ti | ti ti ti ti |
| ti ti ta | ta/a
- Pitches: advanced: So Ti Do Re Mi Fa So La Do
- Intervals: advanced: Do/Mi/So ascending tonic arpeggio, La\Fa, Fa\Re, Ti/Re, La\Fa\Re\Ti descending thirds, Re\So, So\Mi\Do descending tonic arpeggio, Do/Mi/So/Do complete ascending tonic arpeggio
- Musical Elements: notes: half, quarter, eighth; arpeggios, stepping down the major scale, extending the vocal range
- Key Words: England, earth science, changing seasons, morning, risen, gaily, south, blowing, growing, herald, Spring, autumn, afternoon, setting, pipe a song, farewell, cold
"Early One Morning"
1. |
Early one morning,
before the sun had risen,
I heard a bluebird in the fields gaily sing.
"South winds are blowing,
Green grass is growing,
We come to herald the merry Spring."
2. |
One autumn afternoon, just as the sun was setting,
I heard a bluebird on a tree pipe a song,
"Farewell! We're going,
Cold winds are blowing,
But we'll be back when the days grow long."
Additional Formats |