Promoting the independent voice.
- Grade: Kindergarten
- Origin: Author Unknown
- Key: F Major
- Time: 2/4
- Form: AABB
- Rhythm: beginners: | ta ti ti | ta ta | ta (ta) |
- Pitches: beginners: Do Mi So
- Intervals: beginners: So\Mi, Mi/So, Mi\Do
- Musical Elements: notes: quarter, eighth; rests: quarter; reinforces pitches of the tonic triad, call/response
- Key Words: penny, pin
- Keyboard: beginners: three finger exercise for right (5-3-1), left (1-3-5), and two hands together
Call:Who has the penny?
I have the penny.
Who has the pin?
Response:I have the pin.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)