Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis
Extended range skipping and stepping, sometimes
chromatically with a raised supertonic (2, Ri) and
dominate (5, Si), up and down the staff.
- Grade: Fifth
- Origin: Chorus: words: Andrew B. Sterling; music: Kerry Mills (1904), celebrating the Louisiana Purchase Exposition – “St. Louis World’s Fair”
- Key: C Major
- Time: 3/4
- Form: Chorus: AaBa
- Rhythm: beginners: | ta/a ta | ta ta/a | ta/a/a |
| ta (ta) (ta) | ta ta ta | - Pitches: advanced: Do Re Mi Fa So Si La Ti Do Re Ri Mi – raised/sharp dominate (5, Si) and supertonic (2, Ri), extended range
- Intervals: advanced: Si/Mi8 (M6), Mi8\Do8\Sodescending tonic arpeggio (I, C) La/Do8 (m3), La/Re (P4), Re8/Ri8 (m2), Ri8/Mi (m2), Mi/Mi8 (P4). Mi\La (P5), La\Si (m2), Si/La (m2), Re8\So (P5), So/Do8(P4)
- Musical Elements: notes: dotted half, half, quarter; rest: quarter; tied notes, melodic rhythm patterns, moving chromatically (by half steps), raised/sharp supertonic and dominate, stepping and skipping up and down the staff
- Key Words: USA history: Louisiana Purchase, President Thomas Jefferson, Louis and Clark Expedition, Louisiana Purchase Exposition – “St. Louis World’s Fair,” USA geography: Louisiana, St. Louis, Missouri; Hoochee-Koochee (belly dance), tootsie-wootsie (loved one), lie-skee (slang for lie), die-skee (slang for die), dash (dance), congregation (church members)
- Recorder: advanced: practicing G# and high D# and E, moving chromatically, improving finger dexterity stepping and skipping up and down the staff