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Shine On Harvest Moon

"Shine On Harvest Moon," Lyrics, Text Format

Advanced syncopation, 2/2 counted in 4/4, raised tonic (Di),
raised mediant (3, Fa), and a subdominant arpeggio
with a sharp root and fifth (iv#7, c#m7).



  • Grade: Fifth
  • Origin: USA – words: Jack Norworth, music: Nora Bayes and Jack Norworth – 1908
  • Key: G Major
  • Time: 2/2 (counted in 4/4)
  • Form: AB*
  • Rhythm: advanced: | ta/a ta/a | ta ta ti ta ti | syncopation, | ta/a/ ri ti/ ri | syncopation,
    | ta/a/a (ta) | ta ti ta ti ta | syncopation,
    | ti/ ri ti/ ri ti/ ri ti/ ri | syncopation,
    | ti/ ri ti/ ta/ (ta) | syncopation, | ta/a/a ta |
    | ta ti ta ta/ | syncopation, | ta/ ti ti ti ti ti | syncopation
  • Pitches: advanced: Fa Fi So La Do Di Re Mi Fa So – raised/sharp tonic (1, Di) raised mediant (3, Fa) note: a sharp third/Mi is the same as the fourth/Fa
  • Intervals: advanced: Mi\Di\La\Fi descending subdominant arpeggio with raised root and fifth and added seventh (iv#7, c#m7), Fi\Fa/Fi (m2), Fi/Mi(d7 – diminished seventh), Re/So, (P4), So\Mi (m3), Do\La/Do (m3), So/Do (P4), Do/Fa (P4), Do\So (P4)
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted half, half, dotted quarter, quarter, dotted eighth, eighth, sixteenth; rest: quarter; pickup beat, cut time, syncopation, raised tonic and mediant, sharp subdominant arpeggio, diminished seventh
  • Key Words: USA history, theatre history: vaudeville, Ziegfeld Follies (songs debut), courting song, harvest moon, January, February, June, July, snow time, spoon, gal, abbreviation: lovin’ (loving)

* Chorus to the early twentieth century vaudeville song, where songs about the moon were popular: “By the light of the Silvery Moon”, “(On) Moonlight Bay”.


“Shine On Harvest Moon”


Oh, shine on, shine on harvest moon up in the sky.
I ain’t had no lovin’ since January, February, June or July.
Snow time ain’t no time to sit outside and spoon,
So, shine on, shine on harvest moon for me and my gal.

Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"Shine On Harvest Moon," Music Format
Click to enlarge: "Shine On Harvest Moon," Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "Shine On Harvest Moon," Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "Shine On Harvest Moon," Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "Shine On Harvest Moon," Solfeggio Format
letter names
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"Shenandoah," Lyrics, Text Format

Intermediate syncopation, submediant arpeggio (vi, Em),
and a minor quality to a major tonality.



  • Grade: Fifth
  • Origin: USA – Sea Chanty. circa. 1880’s
  • Key: E Flat Major 
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: through composed
  • Rhythm: intermediate: | ti ti ta/ ti ti ti | syncopation, | ti ta/ (ta) ti ti | syncopation,
    | ta/a/ ti ti ti | syncopation, | ti ta/ (ta) ti ti |
    syncopation, | ta/a/a/ ti | syncopation, | ti ta/a/ ta | syncopation
  • Pitches: intermediate: So Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do
  • Intervals: intermediate: So/Do (P4), So8/Do8(P4), So\Mi/So (m3), La\Mi (P4), Mi\Do (m3), Do/Mi/La ascending submediant arpeggio (vi, Em) So\Do (P5)
  • Musical Elements: notes: half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; rest (quarter); pickup beat, tied notes, vocal slur, note: the prominent use of minor thirds, perfect fourths, and a minor arpeggio, give the tune a minor (sad) quality 
  • Key Words: USA history, USA geography: Missouri, Missouri River; sea chanty, rolling river, bound away, daughter, rover, deceive; contractions: we’re (we are), I’ll (I will); abbreviation: ‘cross (across)
  • Recorder: intermediate: syncopation, ascending submediant arpeggio (vi, Em)



Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear you.
Away, you rolling river.
Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear you.
Away, we’re bound away.
‘Cross the wide Missouri.
Oh, Shenandoah, I love your daughter.
Away, you rolling river.
Oh, Shenandoah, I love your daughter.
Away, we’re bound away.
‘Cross the wide Missouri.
3. ‘Tis seven years, I’ve been a rover.
Away, you rolling river.
‘Tis seven years, I’ve been a rover.
Away, we’re bound away.
‘Cross the wide Missouri.
4. Oh, Shenandoah, I’ll not deceive you.
Away, you rolling river.
Oh, Shenandoah, I’ll not deceive you.
Away, we’re bound away.
‘Cross the wide Missouri.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"Shenandoah," Music Format
Click to enlarge: "Shenandoah," Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "Shenandoah," Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "Shenandoah," Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "Shenandoah," Solfeggio Format
letter names
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Rock-a My Soul

"Rock-a My Soul," Lyrics, Text Format
"Rock-a My Soul," Lyrics, Text Format

Advanced syncopation, two natural accidentals, tonic and
supertonic arpeggios, chromatic minor seconds, and a blue note.



  • Grade: Fifth
  • Origin: USA – African American Spiritual
  • Key: D Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: ABA – chorus/verse/chorus
  • Rhythm: advanced: | ti ti ti ta ta ti | syncopation,
    | ti ti ti ta ti ta | syncopation, | ta/a ti ti ta |
    | ta/a/a ta | ta ta ta ti ti | ti ti ta ta/a |
    | ta ta ti ti ti ti | ta ta ta/a | ta ta ta ta |
  • Pitches: intermediate: Do Re Me Mi Fa So La Te Do – lowered/natural mediant (3, Me), lowered/natural leading tone (7, Te), blue note
  • Intervals: intermediate: Mi\Do (M3), Do/Mi/So ascending tonic arpeggio (I, D), Fa\Re (m3), Re/Fa/Laascending supertonic arpeggio (ii, Em), Do/So (P5), So/Te\So (m3), So/Do8 (P4), Do8\La (m3), So\Mi/So (m3), So\Re/So (P4), Re/Me/Mi (chromatic m2’s)
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted half, half, quarter, eighth; pickup beat, tied notes, vocal slurs, D.C. al Fine, Fine; chorus/verse/chorus, accidentals: natural sign, two double bar lines, ascending chromatic steps, supertonic and tonic arpeggios, blue note: lowered leading tone
  • Key Words: USA history, African American history, sacred, Bible story, judgement day, valley, bosom, pray, soul, peace, sun shines, cloudiest; abbreviations: ev’rything (everything), pray’r (prayer)
  • Recorder: advanced: introducing F#, syncopation, natural sign, tonic and supertonic arpeggios (I-D, ii-Em), blue note: lowered leading tone

Partner song: “This Train”

“Rock-a My Soul” 

Oh, Rock-a my soul in the bosom of Abraham,
Rock-a my soul in the bosom of Abraham,
Rock-a my soul in the bosom of Abraham,
Oh, Rock-a my soul.
1. When I went down to the valley to pray,
Oh, rock-a my soul
My soul got happy and I stayed all day,
Oh, rock-a my soul
When I came home from the valley at night,
Oh, rock-a my soul,
I knew that ev’rything would be all right,
Oh, rock-a my soul.
3. I felt so sad on the morning before,
Oh, rock-a my soul,
I found the peace that I was looking for,
Oh, rock-a my soul.
4. The sun shines bright on the cloudiest day,
Oh, rock-a my soul,
A pray’r is all you need to light your way,
Oh, rock-a my soul.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"Rock-a My Soul," Music Format
Click to enlarge: "Rock-a My Soul," Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "Rock-a My Soul," Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "Rock-a My Soul," Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "Rock-a My Soul," Solfeggio Format
letter names
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Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow

"Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow," Lyrics, Text Format

Advanced syncopation, tonic arpeggio,
and a blue note: flat leading tone (Te)




  • Grade: Fifth
  • Origin: USA – African American Spiritual
  • Key: C Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: AB – verse/refrain
  • Rhythm: advanced: | ta ti ti ta ta | ta ta ta/a |
    | ti ta ta ti ta | syncopation, | ta ta/a ti ti |
    | ta ti ti ta ti ti | ta ta ti-ti-ta/ | syncopation
    | ta ta/a (ta) | ta/ ti ta/a | syncopation,
    | ta ti/ ri ta ta | syncopation
  • Pitches: intermediate: La Do Re Mi So La Te Ti Do – lowered/flat leading tone (Te) – blue note
  • Intervals: intermediate: Do8\La/Do8 (m3), So/Te(m3), So/Do8 (P5), So/Ti (M3), Ti\Mi (P5), Do/Mi (M3), Do/Mi/So ascending tonic arpeggio (I, C), Do\La/Do (m3)
  • Musical Elements: notes: half, dotted quarter, quarter, dotted eighth, eighth, sixteenth; rest: quarter; triplet eighths, syncopation, blue note: lowered/flat leading tone, two double barlines, vocal slurs, tied notes, verse/refrain
  • Key Words: world geography: Bethlehem; USA history, African American history, spiritual, sacred, holiday: Christmas; Eastern Star, Bible story, birth of Jesus, Jesus Christ birth, shepherd, morn (morning), heed, angel, flocks, herds; contractions: you’ll (you will), there’s (there is); possessive: angel’s


“Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow” 

1. There’s a star in the East on Christmas morn,
Rise up, shepherd and follow.
It will lead to the place where the babe is born.
Rise up, shepherd and follow.
Follow, follow,
Rise up, shepherd and follow.
Follow the star of Bethlehem,
Rise up, shepherd and follow.
If you take good heed to the angel’s words,
Rise up, shepherd and follow.
You’ll forget you flocks, you’ll forget your herds.
Rise up, shepherd and follow.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow," Music Format
Click to enlarge: "Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow," Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow," Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow," Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow," Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "" Letter Names Format

The Riddle Song

"The Riddle Song," Lyrics, Text Format

Instructional formats to foster pattern recognition, expanded pentatonic scale, and intervals most often found in minor tonalities.



  • Grade: Fifth
  • Origin: USA – Folk Song
  • Key: G Major 
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: ABBC
  • Rhythm: intermediate: | ti ti ti ti ti ta ti | syncopation,
    | ta ta ta/ ti | syncopation, | ta ti ti ta/ ti | syncopation
  • Pitches: intermediate: So La Do Re Mi So La – expanded pentatonic scale
  • Intervals: beginners: La/Do (m3), Do\La (m3), So/Do (P4), Mi/So (m3), So\Mi (m3)
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; pickup beat, repeated melodic rhythm patterns, imperfect ending (So), syncopation, pentatonic scale; note: intervals are most common in minor tonalities, giving the tune a minor quality; instructional formats* 
  • Key Words: USA history, riddle, earth science: cherry stone, ring with no end, baby crying, animal science: piping chicken, chicken bone, blooming, rolling, sleeping; abbreviation: cryin’ (crying)
  • Recorder: intermediate: syncopation, expanded pentatonic scale, melodic rhythm patterns
  • Keyboard: intermediate: challenges students to change hand position from G Major to D minor

* Each format includes questions to discover musical patterns.

“The Riddle Song”

I gave my love a cherry that has no stone;
I gave my love a chicken that has no bone;
I gave my love a ring that has no end;
I gave my love a baby, there’s no cryin’.
How can there be a cherry that has no stone?
How can there me a chicken that has no bone?
How can there be a ring that has no end?
How can there be a baby, there’s no cryin’?
3. A cherry when it’s blooming it has no stone;
A chicken when it’s piping, it has no bone;
A ring when it’s rolling, it has no end;
A baby when it’s sleeping, there’s no cryin’.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"The Riddle Song," Music Format
Click to enlarge: "The Riddle Song," Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "The Riddle Song," Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "The Riddle Song," Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "The Riddle Song," Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "" Letter Names Format

Red River Valley

"Red River Valley," Lyrics, Text Format

Common time, beginning syncopation, and tonic arpeggios.



  • Grade: Fifth
  • Origin: USA – Traditional Cowboy Folk Song
  • Key: G Major 
  • Time: 4/4 – common time (C)
  • Form: ABCD
  • Rhythm: beginners: | ta ti ti ta ti ti | syncopation,
    | ti ta/ (ta) ti | syncopation, | ta/a (ta) ti ti | syncopation
  • Pitches: intermediate: So La Ti Do Re Mi Fa So
  • Intervals: intermediate: So/Do (P4), Do\So (P4), So/Do/Mi – Do/Mi/So ascending tonic arpeggios (I G), Re/So (P4), Fa\La (m6), So/Ti (m3)
  • Musical Elements: notes: half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; rest: quarter; pickup beat, common time (4/4), syncopation, all verse syllables match original rhythm 
  • Key Words: world geography: Red River Valley: Manitoba, Canada; USA geography: North Dakota, Minnesota; USA/Canada history, cowboy love song, cowboy pining song, brightened, a while, hasten, bid me adieu (French), leaving, lonely, fond, breaking, grief, causing, ocean, exchanged, mid; contractions: won’t (will not) , you’re (you are)
  • Recorder: intermediate: two ascending tonic arpeggios, syncopation

“Red River Valley”

From the valley they say you are going
We will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile
For they say you are taking the sunshine
That has brightened our path for a while.
Come and sit by my side if you love me
Do not hasten to bid me adieu
But remember the Red River Valley
And the cowboy who loved you so true.
3. Won’t you think of the valley you’re leaving
Oh how lonely, how sad it will be?
Oh think of the fond heart you are breaking
And the grief you are causing to me.
4. As you go to your home by the ocean
May you never forget those sweet hours
That we spent in the Red River Valley
And the love we exchanged mid the flowers
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"Red River Valley," Music Format
Click to enlarge: "Red River Valley," Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "Red River Valley," Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "Red River Valley," Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "Red River Valley," Solfeggio Format
letter names
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Rally Round the Flag

"Rally Round the Flag," Lyrics, Text Format
"Rally Round the Flag," Lyrics, Text Format

Advanced syncopation, ascending tonic arpeggios,
and an extended range.



  • Grade: Fifth
  • Origin: USA – George Frederick Root (1825-1895) 1862
  • Key: F Major
  • Time: 2/4
  • Form: AB – verse/chorus
  • Rhythm: advanced: | ri ti/ ti/ ri | syncopation, | ta ta | ta/a |
    | ta ti/ ri | syncopation, | ti ti ti ti | ta ti ti | ti ti ti ti |
    | ta (ti) ti | ti ta ti | syncopation
  • Pitches: advanced: Mi Fa So La Ti Do Re Mi Fa So La – extended range
  • Intervals: intermediate: Do\La/Do (m3), Mi/So/Do ascending tonic arpeggio (I, F), Mi/So/Do/Mi8 ascending tonic arpeggio (I, F), Do/So (P5), So\Mi (m3), So8\Mi8\Do descending tonic arpeggio (I, F)
  • Musical Elements: notes: half, quarter, dotted eighth, sixteenth; pickup beat, tonic arpeggios, syncopation, repeated melodic rhythm patterns, extended range, verse/chorus
  • Key Words: USA history: civil war, patriotic song of the Union (North); holiday song: Fourth of July, Independence Day; rally, shouting, battle cry, freedom, hillside, plain, traitor, springing, gone before, brothers, vacant ranks, million, loyal, brave, poor, slave, rebel, crew, marching, glorious, fight, host, fearless, Uncle Sam, amid, fray, comrades, rushing, Liberty, might; contractions: we’re (we are), we’ll (we will); abbreviations: altho’ (although) , vict’ry (victory)
  • Recorder: advanced: introducing the E, F, G, and A above high C, syncopation and tonic arpeggios

“Rally Round the Flag”
also known as
“Battle Cry of Freedom”

Rallying Song
1. Oh, we’ll rally round the flag boys, rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom;
We will rally from the hillside, gather from the plain,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom.
The Union forever, Hurrah! boys, hurrah!
Down with the traitor, and up with the star;
While we rally round the flag, boys, ally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom.
We are springing to the call of our brothers gone before,
Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom.
And we’ll fill the vacant ranks with a million freemen more,
Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom!
3. We will welcome to our numbers the loyal, true and brave,
Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom
And altho’ they may be poor not a man shall be a slave,
Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom!
4. So we’re springing to the call from the East and from the West,
Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom.
And we’ll hurl the Rebel crew from the land we love the best,
Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom!
Battle Song
1. We are marching to the field, boys, we’re going to the fight,
Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom,
And we bear the glorious stars for the Union and the right,
Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom.
The Union forever! Hurrah boys hurrah!
Down with the traitor, up with the star,
For we’re marching to the field, boys, going to the fight,
Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom!
2. We will meet the Rebel host, boys, with fearless heart and true,
Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom,
And we’ll show what Uncle Sam has for loyal men to do,
Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom.
3. If we fall amid the fray, boys, we’ll face them to the last,
Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom.
And our comrades brave shall hear us as they go rushing past,
Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom.
4. Yes, for Liberty and Union we’re springing to the fight,
Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom.
And the vict’ry shall be ours for we’re rising in our might,
Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"Rally Round the Flag," Music Format
Click to enlarge: "Rally Round the Flag," Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "Rally Round the Flag," Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "Rally Round the Flag," Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "Rally Round the Flag," Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "" Letter Names Format

Play a Simple Melody

"Play a Simple Melody," Lyrics, Text Format

Advanced syncopation, three accidentals, and a diminished
dominate (d5) make this counterpoint even more challenging!



  • Grade: Fifth
  • Origin: USA – Irving Berlin (1888-1989), 1941
  • Key: E Flat Major 
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: AB – counterpoint
  • Rhythm: advanced: | ta/a/a ta | ta ta ta ta |
    | ta/a/a (ta) | ta/a/a/a | ta (ta) (ta/a) |
    | ti ti ti ta ti ti ti | syncopation, | ti ti ti ta/a/ | syncopation, | (ta) ta ta ta | (ti) ti ti ti ti ti ta | syncopation
  • Pitches: advanced: Ti Do Re Me Mi Fa So Si La Li Ti Do – lowered/flat mediant (3, Me), raised/natural dominate (5, Si), raised/sharp submediant (6, Li)
  • Intervals: advanced: Mi/So/Ti ascending mediant arpeggio (iii, Gm), Fa\Ti (d5diminished fifth), Ti/So (m6), So/Si (m2), Si/Ti (m3), So\Re (P4), Re/Me/Mi (chromatic m2’s), Mi\Do (m3), La\Fa (m3), Do8\So (P4), La/Li/Ti (chromatic m2’s), Ti8\Fa (P4), So\Mi/So (m3), So/Do (P5)
  • Musical Elements: notes: whole, dotted half, half, quarter, eighth; rests: half, quarter, eighth; tied notes, repeated melodic rhythm patterns, note: the repeated rest on the first beat, chromatic movement; syncopation, counterpoint*: two melodies sung/played at the same time; coda: alternate short ending; coda mark, accidentals: sharp, flat, natural, D.C. al Coda (repeat from beginning, at coda sign go to coda) 
  • Key Words: USA theater history: “Watch Your Step” words and music by Irving Berlin, 1914; music composition: counterpoint, melody, harmony, tune; music types: classical, ragtime; old fashioned, musical drag, choppy, applause; contraction: won’t (will not), you’ll (you will), abbreviation: dreamin’ (dreaming)

* Performance suggestion: sing through song once before splitting into two groups singing at the same time; D.C. al Coda together.


“Play a Simple Melody”

Group 1

Won’t you play a simple melody,
Like my mother sang to me;
One with a good old fashioned harmony
Play a simple melody.

Group 2

Musical demon set your honey a-dreamin’;
Won’t you play me some rag?
Just change that classical nag
To some sweet musical drag.
If you will play from a copy
Of a tune that is choppy.
You’ll get all my applause:
And that is simply because
I want to listen to rag.

Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"Play a Simple Melody," Music Format
Click to enlarge: "Play a Simple Melody," Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "Play a Simple Melody," Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "Play a Simple Melody," Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "Play a Simple Melody," Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "" Letter Names Format

The Galway Piper

"The Galway Piper," Lyrics, Text Format

Italian tempo: vivace (lively and fast), tonic arpeggio and octave skip, and an interval of a minor seventh (m7, Re/Do).



  • Grade: Fifth
  • Origin: Ireland – Traditional Folk Song, circa. 1740
  • Key: E Flat Major 
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: ABCD
  • Rhythm: beginners: | ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ri ti ri |
    | ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti | ti ri ti ri ti ri ti ri ta ti (ti)|
    | ti ti ri ti ti ti ti ta |
  • Pitches: intermediate: Ti Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do
  • Intervals: intermediate: Do/Mi\Do (M3), Ti/Re\Ti (m3), Do/Mi\So ascending tonic arpeggio (I, Eb), So/Do8 (P4), So\Re (P4), Do/Do ascending tonic octave skip, Re/Do (m7)
  • Musical Elements: notes: quarter, eighth, sixteenth; rest: eighth; melodic rhythm patterns, tempo: Vivace/lively and fast (132–140 BPM) (Italian) 
  • Key Words: world geography: Ireland; person, nation, humble station, highest estimation, loudly, stir your toe, wedding bells, breath, lead the singing, jigs, swinging, splendid, eve, morn, scorn, outworn, highway, pealing, wheeling, carols, stealing, birds: thrush, Linnet, Finch, Lark, twitter, hark; abbreviation: ev’ry (every)
  • Recorder: advanced: introducing B flat, tempo:Vivace/lively and fast (132–140 BPM)

“The Galway Piper”

also known as
“Piping Tim”

Ev’ry person in the nation,
Or of great or humble station,
Holds in highest estimation,
Piping Tim of Galway;
Loudly he can play or low,
He can move you fast or slow,
Touch you hearts or stir your toe,
Piping Tim of Galway.
When the wedding bells are ringing,
His the breath to lead the singing,
Then in jigs the folks so swinging,
What a splendid piper!
He will blow from eve till morn,
Counting sleep a thing of scorn,
Old is he, but not outworn,
Know you such a piper?
3. When he walks the highway pealing
Round his head the birds come wheeling
Tim has carols worth the stealing,
Piping Tim of Galway.
Thrush and Linnet, Finch and Lark
To each other twitter, “Hark!”
Soon they sing from light till dark,
Piping Tim of Galway.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"The Galway Piper," Music Format
Click to enlarge: "The Galway Piper," Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "The Galway Piper," Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "The Galway Piper," Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "The Galway Piper," Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "" Letter Names Format

Dale, Dale, Dale

"Dale, Dale, Dale," "Piñata Song" Lyrics, Text Format Click to enlarge.

Time signature change: 4/4 to 2/4 to 4/4, tonic arpeggios, three perfect fourths (P4), and a diminished fourth (d4).



  • Grade: Fifth
  • Origin: Mexico – Folk Song
  • Key: C Major 
  • Time: 4/4 – 2/4 – 4/4, two time changes
  • Form: phrases: AaBBbB – song AB
  • Rhythm: intermediate: 4/4: | ta ta ta/ ti | syncopation, | ta/ ti ta ti/ ri | syncopation,
    | ta ta ta ta | ta/a/a/ (ti) | 2/4: | ti ti ti ti | ta ta |
    | ta/a | 4/4: | ta/a/ (ti) (ta) (pickup beat) |
  • Pitches: intermediate: Do Re Mi Se So La Ti Do – lowered/flat dominate (5, Se)
  • Intervals: intermediate: Do/Mi/So/Do8 ascending tonic arpeggio (I, C), Do8\La (m3), So\Mi\Do descending tonic arpeggio (I, C), Re/So\Re (P4), Re/Se (diminished fourth, d4), Mi/La (P4), Ti\So (M3), So/Do8 (P4)
  • Musical Elements: notes: half, dotted quarter, quarter, dotted eighth, eighth, sixteenth; rest: eighth; pickup beat, syncopation, time signature change (feels like a tempo increase), lowered/flat dominate (Se, G flat) 
  • Key Words: world geography: Mexico; Piñata Song, party song, dale, pierdas, porque, camino, diste, una, dos, tres, tiempo, acabó, lose, aim, path, once, twice, three, times, finished; contraction: don’t (do not), birthday song, Cinco de Mayo celebration song, fiesta song
  • Recorder: advanced: introducing G flat


“Dale, Dale, Dale”
“The Piñata Song”


Dale, dale, dale,
No pierdas el tino;
Porque si lo pierdes
Pierdes el camino.Ya le diste una,
Ya le diste dos;
Ya le diste tres,
y tu tiempo se acabó.
Go, go, go,
Don’t lose your aim;
Because if you lose it
You will lose the path.You hit it once
You hit it twice
You hit it three times
And your time is finished.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"Dale, Dale, Dale," "Piñata Song" Music Format
Click to enlarge: "Dale, Dale, Dale," "Piñata Song" Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "Dale, Dale, Dale," "Piñata Song" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "Dale, Dale, Dale," "Piñata Song" Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "Dale, Dale, Dale," "Piñata Song" Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: " "Piñata Song" Letter Names Format