• MUSIC NOTES, INC. | 404-790-1110

Our Band

"Our Band" Lyrics, Text Format

Mastering the ascending interval So/Do
and descending interval So\Do.



  • Grade: Second
  • Origin: Italy – Italian Folk Song
  • Key: C Major
  • Time: 6/8
  • Form: AABBB
  • Rhythm: intermediate: | ti ti ti ti ti ti | ta/ ta ti |
    | ta ti ti ti ti | ta/_a ti | ta/ ta/ | ti ti ti ta/ |
  • Pitches: intermediate: So La Ti Do Re Mi – adding the 7th (Ti) to a pentatonic scale
  • Intervals: intermediate: So/Do, Do\So, Re\So
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; tied notes, pickup beat, horizontal accent (sing/play the note a little louder/stronger), repeat signs (3 times), mastering the ascending and descending perfect fourth (P4) as the dominate to the tonic and the tonic to the dominate
  • Key Words: band instruments, drums, trombone, trumpet (add more as you wish), instrument sounds

“Our Band” 

We come with our singing and playing,
A-marching down the street.
Now what can the music be saying
To our marching feet?
Rat-ta-ta-tat, rat-ta-ta-tat,
Hear how the snare drums play rat-ta-ta-tat.
Ta-ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta-ta,
Hear how the trombone plays ta-ta-ta-ta.
Too-too-too-toot, too-too-too-toot,
Hear how the trumpet plays too-too-too-toot.
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"Our Band" Music Format
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Click to Enlarge: "Our Band" Solfeggio Format
letter names
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The Old Sow’s Hide

"The Old Sow's Hide" Lyrics, Text Format

Mastering the intervals of the tonic arpeggio.



  • Grade: Second
  • Origin: USA – Folk Song
  • Key: F Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: ABCD
  • Rhythm: intermediate: | ta ti ti ta ti ti |
    | ta ta ta/a | ti ti ta ti ti ta | ti ti ta ta/a |
    | ti ti ti ti ta/ ti | ta ta ta ti ti | ti ti ti ti ta/a |
  • Pitches: intermediate: So Do Re Mi So
  • Intervals: intermediate: Mi/So, So\Mi, So\Re, So\Mi\Do descending tonic arpeggio, Do/Mi, Mi\Do\So descending tonic arpeggio 1st position, So/Do/Mi ascending tonic arpeggio 1st position, Do/Mi/So ascending tonic arpeggio
  • Musical Elements: notes: half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth
  • Key Words: farming, pig farming, sow, hide, cushion, measles, spring, feet, pickled pig’s feet, meat, bacon, tail, whip, sail; possessive: sow’s

“The Old Sow’s Hide” 
1. What shall we do with the old sow’s hide?
Make a good cushion as ever did ride.
Course cushion, fine cushion, any such a thing,
the old sow died of the measles in the spring!
What shall we do with the old sow’s feet?
Make a good pickles as ever was eat.
Course pickles, fine pickles, any such a thing,
the old sow died of the measles in the spring!
3. What shall we do with the old sow’s meat?
Make a good bacon as ever was eat.
Course bacon, fine bacon, any such a thing,
the old sow died of the measles in the spring!
4. What shall we do with the old sow’s tail?
Make a good whip as ever did sail.
Course whip, fine whip, any such a thing,
the old sow died of the measles in the spring!
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"The Old Sow's Hide" Music Format
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Click to Enlarge: "The Old Sow's Hide" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
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Click to Enlarge: "The Old Sow's Hide" Solfeggio Format
letter names
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Old Round

"Old Round" Lyrics, Text Format

EXCELLENT first round selection, using only the intervals of the tonic triad, where the lyrics explain the process.



  • Grade: Second
  • Origin: Unknown
  • Key: C Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: ABCD
  • Rhythm: beginners: | ta ta ta ta | ta ta ta/a |
  • Pitches: beginners: Do Mi So Do
  • Intervals: intermediate: Do/Mi, Mi/So, So/Do\So, So\Mi, Mi\Do – skipping up, then down, the tonic triad
  • Musical Elements: notes: half, quarter; three (3) part round
  • Key Words: text explains what is happening when singing a round, catch, start, hear, say, saying, on (go on), together
  • Recorder: intermediate: excellent for practicing the intervals to the tonic, following the Beginning Recorder Songs



“Old Round”

Now come on, you cannot catch us,
For we have the start you know.
Hear them say what we are saying,
As we on together go.

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"Old Round" Music Format
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pitch numbers
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Click to Enlarge: "Old Round" Solfeggio Format
letter names
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Old Molly Hare

"Old Molly Hare" Lyrics, Text Format

Introducing the dotted quarter note.



  • Grade: Second
  • Origin: USA – American Folk Song
  • Key: F Major
  • Time: 2/4
  • Form: ABCD
  • Rhythm: intermediate: | ta ti ti | ta/ ti | ti ti ti ti |
  • Pitches: intermediate: So La Ti Do Re Mi Fa So La
  • Intervals: intermediate: Fa\Re, Re/So, Mi\Do, Do/Fa, Ti\So
  • Musical Elements: notes: half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; verse/refrain, vocal slur
  • Key Words: Easter, farming, gardening, life of a rabbit, rabbit food, hare, cotton, through, tear, apples, pear, nibbling, garden, prickly pear, briar, haystack, bear, picking; hyphenated: a-shooting

“Old Molly Hare”
Old Molly Hare,
What you doing there?
1. Running through the cotton
Just as fast as I can tear.
Eating up the apples
And a looking for a pear

Nibbling in the garden,
Just as often as I dare.

4. Picking out a briar,
Sitting on a prickly pear.
5. Sitting on a haystack,
And a-shooting at a bear.
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"Old Molly Hare" Music Format
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Click to Enlarge: "Old Molly Hare" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
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Click to Enlarge: "Old Molly Hare" Solfeggio Format
letter names
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The Old Chisholm Trail

"The Old Chisholm Trail" Lyrics, Text Format

Practicing two perfect fourths: Do/Fa, So\Re,
the perfect fifth: Do/So, and the subdominant arpeggio Do/Fa/La.



  • Grade: Second
  • Origin: USA – Cowboy Song
  • Key: D Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: AB – verse/refrain
  • Rhythm: beginners: | ti ti ta ta ta | ti ti ti ti ta ta |
    | ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti | ta ti ti ta ti ti | ti ti ta ta ta ta |
    | ta/a/a ta |
  • Pitches: beginners: Do Re Mi Fa So La
  • Intervals: intermediate: Do/So, So\Re, Fa\Re, Do/Fa/La ascending subdominant arpeggio (IV, G)
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted half, quarter, eighth; pickup beat, verse/refrain, subdominant arpeggio Do/Fa/La
  • Key Words: USA geography: Texas; USA history: Chisholm Trail, cowboy song, trail song, round-up, cowboy life, troubles, ten dollar horse, October, herd, morning, daylight, driving cattle, moon shine, bright, prairie, bacon, beans, cow tail; abbreviations: ridin’ (riding), punchin’ (punching), ol’ (old), drivin’ (driving); contraction: I’m (I am), it’s (it is), I’d (I would); hyphenated: twenty-third

“The Old Chisholm Trail”

Oh, come along, boys, and listen to my tale,
I’ll tell you of my troubles on the Old Chisholm Trail.
Come a ti-yi yippy yippy yea, yippy yea,
Come a ti-yi yippy yippy yea.
On a ten dollar horse and a forty dollar saddle,
I was ridin’ and a punchin’ Texas cattle.
3. We left ol’ Texas October twenty-third
Drivin’ up the trail with the U-2 herd.
4. I’m up in the morning before daylight,
And before I sleep the moon shine bright.
5. It’s bacon and beans most every day,
I’d just as soon be eating prairie hay.
6. I woke up one morning on the Chisholm trail,
With a rope in my hand and a cow by the tail.
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"The Old Chisholm Trail" Music Format
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Click to Enlarge: "The Old Chisholm Trail" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
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Click to Enlarge: "The Old Chisholm Trail" Solfeggio Format
letter names
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My Dreidel

"My Dreidel" Lyrics, Text Format

Intermediate syncopation, a tonic arpeggio,
and repeated melodic rhythm patterns.



  • Grade: Second
  • Origin: Israel – music: Samuel Goldfarb, Mikhi Gelbart
    words: Samuel S. Grossman
  • Key: D Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: rhythm: AAAA – pitches: ABCD
  • Rhythm: intermediate: | ti ti ti ti ti ta ti | syncopation, | ti ti ti ti ta/ ti | syncopation,
    | ti ti ti ti ta (ti) ti | syncopation
  • Pitches: beginners: Do Re Mi Fa So
  • Intervals: intermediate: So\Do, Mi\Do, Do/Mi/So ascending tonic arpeggio, Fa\Re, Re/So, Mi/So\Mi, Re/Fa\Re
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; rest: eighth; pickup beat, repeated melodic rhythm patterns; note: the measure three is a whole step above measure one, measure seven is a whole step below measure five
  • Key Words: world geography: Israel, Hanukkah, dreidel (four sided spinning top/toy), making a dreidel, lovely, short, thin, drops, always, playful, dance, spin, happy, game, begin; contraction: let’s (let us)
  • Keyboard: intermediate: excellent five finger exercise for right, left, and two hands together

“My Dreidel”

I have a little dreidel,
I made it out of clay,
And when it’s dry and ready,
Then dreidel I shall play.
Oh, dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
I made it out of clay.
Oh, dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
Now dreidel I shall play.
It has a lovely body,
With legs so short and thin.
And when my dreidel’s tired,
It drops and then I win!
3. My dreidel’s always playful,
It loves to dance and spin.
A happy game of dreidel,
Come play now, let’s begin!
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"My Dreidel" Music Format
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Click to Enlarge: "My Dreidel" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
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Click to Enlarge: "My Dreidel" Solfeggio Format
letter names
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The Mill Song

"The Mill Song" Lyrics, Text Format

Introducing the sixth (La) to the beginning Orff interval So\Mi.



  • Grade: Kindergarten
  • Origin: USA – Singing School Song – Round
  • Key: D Major
  • Time: 2/4
  • Form: ABAB
  • Rhythm: beginners: | ta ta | ta (ta) |Pitches: beginners: Mi So La
  • Intervals: beginners: So\Mi, Mi/So
  • Musical Elements: quarter note, quarter rest, singing alone and with others, introducing the sixth (La), beginning Orff interval So\Mi, round
  • Key Words: how a mill works, corn, ground
  • Keyboard: beginners: three finger exercise for right, left, and two hands together; intermediate: ensemble round

“The Mill Song” 

‘Round and ’round, the mill goes round.
As it does the corn is ground.

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"The Mill Song" Music Format
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Click to Enlarge: "The Mill Song" Solfeggio Format
letter names
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Michael Finnigan

"Michael Finnigan" Lyrics, Text Format

Ascending tonic arpeggio, adding the leading tone
to a pentatonic scale.



  • Grade: Second
  • Origin: USA – Traditional Folk Song
  • Key: F Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: ABAC
  • Rhythm: beginners: | ti ti ta ta ta | ta ta ti ti ta |
    | ta ta ta ta | ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti |
  • Pitches: beginners: So La Ti Do Re Mi So
  • Intervals: beginners: So/Do, Do/Mi/So ascending tonic arpeggio, So\Mi, Re\Ti/Re, Re\So
  • Musical Elements: notes: quarter, eighth; pickup beat, melodic rhythm patterns
  • Key Words: never ending song, scout song, camp song, St. Patrick’s Day song, nonsense song, whiskers, chin, blew, grew, awful, din, fishing, caught, dropped, climbed, barked (scrapped against the bark of a tree), shin, fat, thin, born; contraction: let’s (let us)

“Michael Finnigan”


There was an old man named Michael Finnigan.
He had whiskers on his chin-i-gan.
Wind blew them off but they grew in again.
Poor old Michael Finnigan! Begin again!

There was an old man called Michael Finnigan,
He kicked up an awful din again,
Because they said he must not sing again.
Poor old Michael Finnigan, Begin again!
3. There was an old man called Michael Finnigan,
He went fishing with a pin again,
Caught a fish but dropped it in again,
Poor old Michael Finnigan! Begin again!
4. There was an old man called Michael Finnigan,
Climbed a tree and barked his shin again,
Tore off yards and yards of skin again,
Poor old Michael Finnigan! Begin again!
5. There was an old man called Michael Finnigan,
He grew fat and he grew thin again,
Then he died and had to be born again,
Poor old Michael Finnigan! Let’s end again!
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"Michael Finnigan" Music Format
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Click to Enlarge: "Michael Finnigan" Rhythm Format
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Click to Enlarge: "Michael Finnigan" Solfeggio Format
letter names
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Looby Loo

"Looby Loo" Lyrics, Text Format

Practicing tonic intervals, stepping down from the 6th (La) to the tonic (Do), and stepping up with syncopation.



  • Grade: Second
  • Origin: English Singing Game
  • Key: F Major
  • Time: 6/8
  • Form: ABCD (4 measure phrases) ABA (8 measure phrases)
  • Rhythm: intermediate: | ti ti ti ta ti | ta/a/a |
    | ti ti ti ti ti ti | ta/_a ti | ta ti ta ti | ta (ti) ta/ |
  • Pitches: beginners: Do Re Mi Fa So
  • Intervals: intermediate: Do/Mi, Mi\Do, Do/So, So/Do
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; rest: eighth; tied notes, refrain/verse, D.C. al Fine, Fine
  • Key Words: learning left and right, physical science, parts of the body, hand, foot, Saturday, whole self, body, shake, turn about

“Looby Loo” 

Here we go looby loo,
Here we go looby light,
Here we go looby loo,
All on a Saturday night.
1. I put my right hand in,
I take my right hand out,
I give my head a shake, shake, shake,
And turn myself about. Oh,
I put my left hand in,
I take my left hand out,
I give my head a shake, shake, shake,
And turn myself about. Oh,
3. I put my right foot in,
I take my right foot out,
I give my head a shake, shake, shake,
And turn myself about. Oh,
4. I put my left hand in,
I take my left hand out,
I give my head a shake, shake, shake,
And turn myself about. Oh,
5. I put my whole self in,
I take my whole self out,
I give my head a shake, shake, shake,
And turn myself about. Oh,
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"Looby Loo" Music Format
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Click to Enlarge: "Looby Loo" Rhythm Format
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Click to Enlarge: "Looby Loo" Solfeggio Format
letter names
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Long, Long Ago

"Long, Long Ago" Lyrics, Text Format

Practicing an ascending major sixth (So/Mi).



  • Grade: Second
  • Origin: USA – Traditional
  • Key: A Major
  • Time: 3/4
  • Form: rhythm: ABAB – pitches: ABCD
  • Rhythm: beginners: | ta ta ta | ta/ ti ta | syncopation, | ta/a/a |
  • Pitches: intermediate: So La Ti Do Re Mi Fa
  • Intervals: intermediate: So/Do, So/Mi (M6), Re\La
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; dotted quarter syncopation
  • Key Words: USA, world geography: Bethlehem; Christmas carol, sacred, Bible story, birth of Jesus (Christ), winds, olive tree, softly, sheep, hillside, whiter, snow, angels, watching, bent low, songs of joy, manger bed, cradled; abbreviation: ’round (round)

“Long, Long Ago”
Winds through the olive trees,
Softly did blow,
‘Round little Bethlehem,
Long, long ago.
Sheep on the hillside lay,
Whiter than snow,
Angels were watching them,
Long, long ago.
3. Then from the happy sky,
Angels bent low,
Singing their songs of joy,
Long, long ago.
4. Then from a manger bed,
Cradled, we know,
Christ came to Bethlehem,
Long, long ago.
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"Long, Long Ago" Music Format
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Click to Enlarge: "Long, Long Ago" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
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Click to Enlarge: "Long, Long Ago" Solfeggio Format
letter names
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